All site content copyright 2024 Lauzon Group.

All rights reserved. All other brand and product names are the property of their respective owners.

We respect your privacy. And it is our policy not to share or sell any information you provide us. Our web site contains several contact forms that allow visitors to interact with our company. These forms require personal information so that we can respond to requests efficiently especially if the response entails the use of U.S. mail or another courier. The information we collect through these forms is used only to respond to specific requests. We retain this information but do not use it for any other purpose.

Periodically we may use cookies to collect non-personally identifiable information. This helps us detect things such as browser type and plug-ins, and navigational information regarding which pages visitors go to and when. If you have any questions about this policy, please contact us by email, snail mail, phone, or fax.

Lauzon Group is committed to providing equal employment opportunities to all individuals without regard to race, religion, gender, national origin, age, sexual orientation or disability. Our intent is to provide a work environment that is free of discrimination, harassment or intimidation. We respect individuality and creativity.

Lauzon Group
PO Box 424
Pickerington, OH 43147
p: 614.407.6299

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